Footage Licensing 101

Footage Licensing 101

Nimia Stock Footage

When you buy stock footage from the Nimia Marketplace you are licensing the right to use those clips in your project based on the terms described in the Royalty-Free or Rights-Managed license attached to each video. Whether the video clip has had its rights cleared or not will determine how a clip can be used.


Royalty Free License

Royalty free (RF) footage may be used for an unlimited amount of projects and mediums, worldwide, in perpetuity.

Advantages: One license with all inclusive permissions, convenient, affordably priced


Rights Managed License

Rights managed (RM) footage is available for license per project. A buyer must specify the project type (such as advertising, corporate, or documentary), the distribution medium (such as broadcast, web, or live), the distribution area (such as local, country, or worldwide), the number of viewers (such as less than 100,000 or more than 1,000,000) and the license term (such as 6 months, 1 year, or Perpetual).

Advantages: Exclusive footage, unique footage, license only for the terms you require


Rights Clearance

All footage, whether it is royalty free or rights managed, goes through a rights clearance process before it enters our marketplace. Our approval team defines whether a clip is rights cleared and can be used commercially, or if it does not contain the proper releases can be used on editorial only projects.



Footage that is marked as exclusive in the Nimia Marketplace cannot be found or licensed from any other stock agency.

Stayed tuned for “Licensing 201”

Questions? Contact us!

Brain Farm Digital Cinema Stock Footage